Haz-Map Help


Text Searching

Examples of text searches are "toluene"; "lead"; "solvents"; "metalworking"; "manicurists"; "weld"; "toxic pneumonitis"; "hair"; and "disinfectants." The matching agents are shown and a perfect match appears at the top in larger font, e.g., type "toluene" and Toluene appears as the first agent. If you type "weld" notice that there other results when you click the icons for Jobs, Job Tasks, and Processes. Type "classes" and you will see 49 classes of agents e.g., ORGANIC SOLVENTS.


Browse by Categories

This is available for each of the eight tables (Agents, Diseases, Jobs, Activities, Industries, Job Tasks, Processes, and Findings).. Agents have two levels of categories, while the other tables have just one. For example, click "By Types of Jobs" to see the categories for the Jobs table.


Browse Alphabetically

This is available for each of the eight tables (Agents, Diseases, Jobs, Activities, Industries, Job Tasks, Processes, and Findings). You can find information by browsing the alphabetical listing of the records.


Query Diseases by Jobs and Symptoms

This function is available only for Occupational Diseases. Click "By Jobs and Symptoms" and then enter a value for one or both, e.g., "carpenters" for Jobs and "cough" for Symptoms. Click "Results" or "Next."


Query Agents by Processes and Adverse Effects

This function is available only for Hazardous Agents. Click "By Processes and Adverse Effects" and enter a value for one or both, e.g. "Dressing Hair" for Processes and "Asthma" for Adverse Effects. Click "Results" or "Next."


For Each Occupational Disease, Search PubMed for Latest Articles

For example, find "Hard metal disease" and the heading "Biomedical References." Click "Search PubMed" to see latest articles about this disease.


Links to Other NLM Databases

From any Agent record, click "Search ChemIDplus" to see the chemical structure. To see HSDB record, click the name of the agent under "Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank."


Click each title above to see starting point.